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The apps that drain your phone's power the most

The apps that drain your phone's power the most.. the silent battery killer


The apps that drain your phone's power the most.. the silent battery killer

The apps that drain your phone's power the most.. the silent battery killer

Battery life in smartphones has turned into one of the most important strengths or weaknesses of new versions, especially with apps that kill the battery silently.

These applications cause phones to be unable to work for long periods because they drain the power quickly.

Applications that drain phone battery power quickly

You can get a phone with a big battery that lasts about a day or more, however, there will be some applications that can weaken the battery life.

These applications drain the battery of the mobile phone, by running services in the background and end up sucking the power of the mobile phone, as these applications keep the phone in a state of activity and lead to battery loss.

1. Snapchat

Snapchat is one of the harsh applications that drain the battery life of the mobile smartphone, the notification service keeps the phone busy and sucks the battery out of it.

Snapchat also uses location services to report a user's real-time location; It is a feature in Snapchat that can be enabled or disabled depending on what the owner of the phone wants to do.

However, the app is a camera app with chat and video story features; This is the main reason why it consumes a lot of battery.

2. Netflix

The Netflix platform app is one of the most battery-draining apps; It sucks the battery from the mobile, because Netflix sends notifications, and this is another reason for the battery to run out.

3. YouTube

YouTube is everyone's favorite; Most of us spend a lot of time watching videos and vlogs, but here's the thing.

These streaming apps drain most of your battery power, which is why they should be monitored and regulated; YouTube viewing time can be set using the "Remind me to take a break" feature within the app.

4. Facebook

The largest social networking app also uses a huge amount of battery; If you are not a user of the previous streaming apps, then Facebook is definitely the most installed app on the phone that drains your battery life.

It runs in the background, syncing updates and contacts, running a notification service, and many other background processes; It sounds like an absolute mess but there is always a solution.

The user can either limit the use of the app on their phone or turn off all notifications from within the app.

This way, the battery will not be drained by notifications; Also, limit background data and battery usage for this app; This will drastically reduce the battery drain issue.

Everyone has got a messaging app on their phone: WhatsApp, Messenger, Viber, WeChat, and many more. Messaging apps are among the most used apps on any phone. These apps consume a lot of battery power.

5. Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger is one of the messaging apps responsible for the highest battery drain; It works in the background like Facebook, syncing contacts and push notifications from time to time.

To escape from Messenger, you can install Messenger Lite for Android and iOS, which is designed for low-cost smartphones.

6. WhatsApp

WhatsApp is everyone's favorite messaging app with over a billion users; The app runs in the background and will drain your battery if used.

About the Author

Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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