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Tips for removing ink from white clothes

Step by step Tips for removing ink from white clothes

Tips for removing ink from white clothes

Tips for removing ink from white clothes

Ink stains on white or light clothes; What are the appropriate cleaning methods to get rid of them, especially that the mentioned stains are annoying, because they distort the appearance of clothes, and may damage their tissues, in case of neglecting to take care of them.

Methods for removing ink stains from white clothes

Rinse the stain under cold water to remove as much ink as possible.

Fill a basin with hot water, pour a small amount of liquid detergent without bleach, in addition to the possibility of using ammonia. Stir the two ingredients in the water, immersing the garment in it.

The stain is rubbed well, with fingers, and the garment is left in the water for 30 minutes to an hour. If the stain is stubborn, it can be left to soak overnight, with occasional rubbing.

When the stain is gone, wash the garment as usual, after rubbing the stain with more washing-up liquid. Air-dry the piece of clothing.

Aids in cleaning ink from white clothes

Baking soda is effective in removing ink stains from clothes

Baking soda

If the stain is recent, a white cloth is used to absorb as much ink as possible, with the importance of placing a white cloth under the stained part of the garment, as this method helps prevent the stain from spreading to the back of the garment. In addition, it is important to avoid rubbing the stain, to avoid the tissues from absorbing it. Then, it is useful to use the following preparations:


1. Hairspray containing a percentage of medical alcohol, plays a contributing role in removing ink stains, with the importance of testing the hair “spray” in an inconspicuous place, so as not to stain the fabric. After spraying hairspray, wait about 30 seconds, before wiping the product off, bearing in mind that hairspray works well with polyester fabrics, away from leather clothes.

Hairspray plays a role in removing ink stains from clothes


2. The mixture of glycerin and dishwashing liquid removes ink stains, by mixing a tablespoon of glycerine with a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, in a bowl. Dip a white cloth in the household mixture to wipe ink stains with it. After 5 minutes have elapsed, a little glycerin is applied with your fingers to the stain, before washing it with soap and water.

3. Baking soda is effective in removing ink stains from clothes. In this context, mix a small amount of baking soda with water well to form a paste. With a piece of cotton, the paste is applied to the stained area for a few minutes, before washing.

4. A solution containing equal amounts of vinegar and water is suitable, especially with soaking the ink stain in it, for up to 30 minutes. During the soaking process, the stain can be gently wiped with a sponge or towel, every 10 minutes. After that, wash the garment well, bearing in mind the importance of staying away from hot water, as it may cause the stain to set.

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Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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