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Secrets to keeping your white clothes bright and colorful

Secrets to keeping your white clothes bright and colorful


Secrets to keeping your white clothes bright and colorful

Secrets to keeping your white clothes bright and colorful

While washing seems to be an easy process that does not require thinking or effort, especially in the presence of advanced washing machines, several tips will help you professionally wash and resist any kind of stains to get bright white clothes and bright colors.


 1. Deal with the stains immediately: If one of your clothes has stained, do not put it in the laundry basket and wait for the next wash, because cleaning the stains becomes more difficult and may make it a permanent stain. Soak the clothes in the water and the powder, and find the right way to deal with the stain depending on its type.

2. Divide the clothes into several cycles according to the color, material of the fabric, and the appropriate temperature, for example, the white group, dark colors, bright colors, light colors, and delicate materials.

It is also preferable to divide it according to the type of clothes, to wash the sheets alone, the towels, and the clothes alone, like this.

3. Do not fill the washing machine to the end, as it is preferable to fill it to three-quarters of its capacity only, to maintain the effectiveness of its work.


4. In the case of top-loading washing machines, add the powder before the clothes to give it a better chance of dissolving, which will increase their cleaning effectiveness.

5. Use lower temperatures so that the colors do not fade, and also to save energy.

6. To get rid of powder buildup in your washing machine, clean it regularly using the white vinegar cycle as follows: Make a complete wash cycle and put white vinegar instead of powder in the washing machine drawer. You need to do the vinegar cycle every month if you use the washing machine a lot, and once every six months if you rarely use it.

7. Before putting laundry into the washing machine, check the washing instructions affixed to each item.

8. For dark laundry, turn it inside out. It is preferable to use gel powder instead of powder.

9. To save time and electricity when drying clothes in the dryer, put on a dry cotton towel to absorb a large portion of the moisture

About the Author

Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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