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The difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum

The difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum

The difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum

The difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum

Recently, some new terms appeared on the global currency market, and due to the spread of electronic buying and selling transactions, electronic currencies appeared and were known as Bitcoin, followed by the Ethereum currency, and the following is an explanation of the difference between the two currencies.

First, the common features between them:

_ Both “Bitcoin” and “Ether” are characterized by the speed of trading and transferring them

_ There are no transfer fees.

_ Many countries are still subject to it under the discussion table, allowing its circulation.

The difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum

Definition and characteristics of Bitcoin:

1- The programmer “Satoshi Nakamoto” proposed the digital currency as a means for the electronic payment system to avoid any central authorities and can be easily traded through certain online platforms

2- “Bitcoin” is known to many as that currency

Decentralized virtual digital means that no one can control it

They are traded through internet pages that have a technology called “Blockchain”.

3- No one can mint or print “Bitcoin” because it has several special rules in trading that are used by a group of individuals through the “BlockChain” network, where it monitors and processes any “Bitcoin” transactions.

4- The “protocol” of the “Bitcoin” rules, depends on the offering of eleven million digital currencies only, and these currencies can be divided into smaller, less valuable categories known as “Satoshi” after the one who proposed them.

5- “Bitcoin” differs from traditional currencies, which rely on mathematical calculations, not the gold and silver standard, where “Bitcoin” customers use much different software to calculate its value.

6- “Bitcoin” continued its record highs recently, which exceeded $ 1,400 for the first time ever

7- Some billionaires have allocated 10% of their wealth to invest in cryptocurrencies in general.

8- The “Bitcoin” currency recently rose to its highest price ever, reaching the level of $1800, bringing its market value within a short period of three billion dollars to 29.53 billion dollars.

The difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum

Definition and Characteristics of Ethereum:

1- Well-known researcher and programmer “Vitalik Buterin” launched “Ethereum” in late 2013.

2- It was not launched until the 30th of July 2015.

3- A Swiss company developed the project, in 2014.

4- Denoted by the name “Ether, this coin has witnessed a strong increase in its value, reaching 50%, almost two years ago.

5- It was started in trading in 2015, and it cannot be used in traditional financial activities.

6- The success of “Ethereum” was not by chance or easy, as demand and trading on the virtual currency have boomed since the beginning of 2016.

7- Its value has achieved a strong increase in conjunction with the attraction of capital flows.

8- Its value was about $7 billion, at the beginning of 2017.

9- Its value has achieved an estimated increase of more than 2800%, since its beginning in 2015.

 10- The value of “Ethereum” jumped by about 500% since the beginning of last year, until the end of March this year.

11- The trading volume on “Ether” varies from time to time, sometimes, the value of trading on it reaches about 100,000 dollars per day, and in other times it may reach 600 million dollars in the same framework.

12- The Swiss people are the most people who searched for “Ethereum” on the Internet, followed by Venezuela.

13- Over the past few years, many trading platforms have started offering “Ethereum” such as

_ "Poloniex"

LocalBitcoinsliquidCex, and others, according to the numbers.

14- “Ethereum” has many customers, in various global markets, and trading on it has increased in light of the complete certainty of many, that it has become the future of transactions.

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Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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