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Best Ways to Make Your Cat Feel at Home easy

Best Ways to Make Your Cat Feel at Home easy and simple


Best Ways to Make Your Cat Feel at Home easy

Best Ways to Make Your Cat Feel at Home easy

welcoming a new cat to the family, not only saving a life, you’ll even be rewarded with years of affection , companionship, and fun.

While this may be an exciting and wonderful time for your family, it can even be stressful for its newest member.

 Cats are territorial creatures, so moving to a new landscape where nothing is familiar can be unnerving and make your cat scared. Here are some tips which will help your new cat or kitten make a smooth transition.


How can I make my cat feel comfortable?


Toileting areas

Cats need several options for toileting. leave one litter tray per cat plus one, placed faraway from one another in areas where they won’t get disturbed.

Litter trays are available a spread of sizes, and may be open or covered, if you would like to supply your cats with more privacy.

 Buying a litter tray that suits your cat’s size means they're more likely to use it and won’t make the error of toileting over the sting of an open tray.



 How to make a stray cat feel at home?

Litter Box

Sometimes, cats in nature want their presence to be known. Other times, they like to stay it hidden. But the very fact is, whenever a cat goes to the toilet , they leave a trail of scent which will function a way of communication. So it isn't uncommon to alleviate Themselves in several locations, and reserve specific spots for specific duties.

That said, here are our guidelines for litter boxes. you'll be wanting one litter box for each cat within the house plus one extra; or one on each level

of your home, albeit you've got one cat. This helps prevent territorial behavior, and allows for flexibility of use. Also, be mindful of placing

your litter boxes during a quiet place that does not get much traffic. Even cats appreciate a touch privacy.





How do you introduce a cat to the rest of your home?

Give your cat time to adapt.

It will take your cat time to regulate to his or her new home, Every

cat will need a special amount of your time to urge wont to their new home, and it is vital to not flood them with too many new encounters too quickly, or expect immediate confidence.

They'll grow confidence in their own space first and then they will then begin exploring connected rooms.

Let your cat make their own moves and not coerce them into situations they'll not be ready for.


 How do you care for a new cat?

Enable Safe Explorations

Your new cat is eventually getting to explore every nook and cranny of her new territory probably including counter tops, bookshelves, and therefore the tops of cupboards , if she will reach them (you could also be surprised how high she will leap). While she’s investigating your house, put away breakables,

remove paperclips or other small items that kittens might swallow, and don’t skip any tempting morsels of food. 

Block access to any spaces that would be dangerous for a cat to cover in or explore.


 How do I make my cat comfortable in a new home?

Relaxation and sleep

Quite often cats like places out of the way or high .

On top of the fridge or underneath a chair are often favorites, so they’re well protected and undisturbed whilst they sleep.

 Provide your cat with a nice comfy bed within the areas of their choice. Also consider cat beds that incorporate perch and conceal opportunities, like radiator or covered beds.



Create routines for your cat.

Galaxy also recommends creating routines for your cat rituals which will become a neighborhood of your pet's lifestyle. a bit like humans, cats thrive on stability from day to day and knowing how their day goes to travel , Nobody likes anarchy, so feeding times, doing an equivalent thing once you awaken within the morning, and scheduling playtime are all important because it gives your cat confidence.

confirm your cat has things throughout the day that become normal.



Scratch Posts

Scratching is in your cat's nature, so it is vital to offer him or her an alternate to your furniture, rugs or curtains.

Cats in nature will use both standing and fallen trees for scratching so as to stay claws fit climbing, hunting and self-defense.

 So a sturdy scratch post or horizontal surfaces are often wont to replicate this activity. they will be made up of corrugated board , carpets or natural rope fibers.

Scratching may be a sort of scent marking and something you ought to encourage.

Let your cat build up a scent profile around their home, to feel safe and secure. Your cat will get distressed if another cat enters

their territory, a microchip cat flap will prevent any unwanted visitors.


ways to drink water

Keep food and water bowls separately. Remember that cats are lactose intolerant, so milk isn't an honest replacement for water. Cats will often only drink from something that their whiskers don’t need to touch (this is why they often drink from a full glass of water).

Encourage your cat to drink by offering larger water bowls, water fountains, or a running tap, as these stimulate your cat’s desire to drink and are good way to stay them occupied.




Spread their belongings

After a couple of days, allow your cat to roam your home freely. Place his or her Belonging things they need soaked with their scent, like their bed or fabric toys throughout the house, When placed round the house, they act as territorial sign posts for your new cat, so whenever they walk by something that was in their 'base camp, they smell it and they are reminded that they belong and sleep in your house, It increases their confidence.



Playing, mental stimulation And hunting

Encourage your cat to play with toys and rotate them regularly to stop over-familiarity and tedium .

Use toys that emulate the natural hunting sequence ,Locate, Stalk, Chase, Pounce, Kill, Dissect and Eat.

If your cat likes to play predatory games, then play with them at various times throughout day with

a suitable toy. Some samples of predatory toys to mentally stimulate your cat are:

  String toys

Feather toys

Ping pong balls

Cat nip toys

Stalking toys

  When twiddling with your cat, remember to offer a food reward to end off the natural hunting sequence

Locate, Stalk, Chase, Pounce, Kill, Dissect and Eat. Avoid any toys (like laser pens) that don't allow

your cat to follow this natural hunting sequence, as this will cause your cat to urge frustrated and redirect

this frustration on to you. If you are doing use one among these toys, finish the sport by offering a toy for your cat to ‘kill' and a tasty treat afterwards.



Connecting to the outside

Because of the risks related to cars, exposure to disease from prey, and conflicts with wild or livestock , we do not condone outdoor cats. That's to not say indoor cats must be sealed completely from the surface world.

Beyond supervised outdoor activities like leash walking, it is vital to supply your cat with an area to interact together with his or her surroundings. this will be through a window or door, even a screen porch. It's healthy to ascertain and listen to birds and other wildlife, also as people and pets within the neighborhood. As is smelling new smells.



On the chance that you need to purchase something for your pet, kindly please feel free to use my links of any of your favorite shopping site (Amazon, Gearbest, Aliexpress)

No EXTRA COST, from the sidebar icons below  Social icons in this pages , just make sure to add your product to site's ( shopping card ) if you need time before completing your purchase :)



That is almost everything about our subject today in how to Make Your Cat Feel at Home easy with best and simple ways, please if this  article helps you manage your cute new cat, share this page in your social media account , please join my social page(s) for more

Thank you for your read and visit.

 read also Simple ways stop cats from scratching furniture

how to make a cat feel loved

how to make your new cat feel at home

how to make a cat feel safe

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