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Best android app to make money online with your smartphone

Video review Best android app to make money online with your smartphone

Best android app to make money online with your smartphone

Best android app to make money online with your smartphone

Hi, welcome on channel zoom for display, today I will share with you the best-trusted android apps, to make money easily online, for you guys who first time see my videos, I suggest to you subscribe to my channel to receive the best ways to make money, easy.

1. Google Opinion Rewards.

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Through this application, Google attracts users who answer surveys and provide their opinions on various topics. The questions are easy to answer and of course, it is necessary to provide personal information to Google to do so.

you can  use Google rewards money to :

Buy Paid Apps and Games From the Google Play Store. 

Buy Subscriptions and Make In-App Purchases.

Buy or Rent Movies From Google Play Movies (Google TV).

Buy Ebooks and Audiobooks From Google Play Books. 

Buy a YouTube Premium Subscription.

and also Get rewarded with Google Play or PayPal credit for each one you complete. Topics include everything from opinion polls, to hotel reviews, to merchant satisfaction surveys.

2. Poll Pay

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This platform also pays you to answer surveys and questions, just like in the Google app.

This platform pays on PayPal, and in addition to this, the user can redeem the balance as a reward for other platforms such as Netflix, Amazon also Xbox.

3. Slidejoy

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Perhaps this is one of the ways to make money in a simple way. With Slidejoy you will get more money just by unlocking your phone screen.

When the screen is off, what this app does is that it shows ads, meaning that users are paid to allow ads to appear on their mobile phones.

4. AppKarma

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A very entertaining way to make money is to use AppKarma. What you need to do is to try all the games available on the platform. By doing this, you will be able to get money and gift cards.

5. Clickworker

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  You need over 18 years old to register. Among the tasks that stand out in Clickworker: taking surveys, watching videos, rating and rating music, rating photos, among other miscellaneous tasks.

Unlike remote tasks, Clickworker has tasks in English and other languages. So even if you don't speak English well, this app will be very useful to earn extra money.

About the Author

Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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