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Fly repellent plants

Full report Fly repellent plants

Fly repellent plants

Fly repellent plants

There are a group of plants found in nature, which contain a certain percentage of oils that have the advantage of repelling flies, and among these plants are plants that repellent flies as follows:

  • Basil: Basil is considered one of the most popular herbs, as it is characterized by its multiple uses, whether in preparing food or in the medical field. This plant emits a fragrant smell that flies hate, which leads to its expulsion with ease. Make sure to add water to the roots and not the leaves to produce a strong odor.

  • Bay leaf: There are many uses of the bay leaf also between cooking and the medical field, where the bay leaf is characterized by its bitter taste in addition to its fragrant smell that repels flies, as some insects such as cockroaches, moths, and mice hate the smell of these leaves.

  • Lavender: Lavender oil has a strong smell that repels flies and insects, which is a good choice for use as a fly repellent, in addition to its various uses for cooking.

  • Mint: The mint herb is very useful and has a low cost and repellent for flies and insects, where mint can be used in all its forms, whether dried or fresh, to repel flies.

  • Wormwood: A flowering herb that can drive away flies, and the open-air is the most suitable place for the growth of this plant, but caution should be exercised when using tansy because it contains oil that causes skin infections for some people.

mosquito repellent tree

The camphor tree is considered one of the trees that has the property of repelling mosquitoes or what is known as mosquitoes, because it contains a percentage of natural insecticides, in its molecular structure, in addition to the fact that farmers are keen to plant it in their farms to expel insects naturally, so it is recommended to plant one near From home to get rid of mosquitoes, or what is also called the mosquito.

Mosquito repellent plants

Many natural plants can be used to get rid of mosquitoes in a natural way, without resorting to the use of pesticides or chemicals that contain a high percentage of toxins that threaten the health of the respiratory system, such as catnip, which contains a high percentage of oils. Which spontaneously spreads from its green leaves, in addition to basil and lavender leaves.

snake repellent trees

Everyone who lives in areas where snakes and reptiles abound must be fully aware of the most important plants that help get rid of snakes and drive them away, and in a safe way, without being exposed to danger. It is good to plant wormwood abundantly in the environment that limits In the house, the wormwood plant's ability to repel snakes and snakes was discovered, as soon as it was planted around the house.

rat repellent plants

The nature of mice uses their nose to find where they will get food, so it is good to plant some plants in the house, which work to expel mice, and prevent mice from approaching them, such as chamomile, mint, and tansy in small pots, and distribute them in small pots. Around the house, it is worth noting that mice suffer from severe allergic reactions to these plants, for this reason, they flee from the place where these plants are located.

Insect repellent trees

The neem tree is considered one of the trees that contain a substance that has a toxic effect on insects, and it works to cause a high percentage of distortions in the genetic development of insects. Among the insects that are harmed in this way by the neem tree are the aphid and the whitefly.

Insect repellent herbs

There are different types of herbs that naturally repel insects, but there are certain types of plants that are good to grow in the bedroom, to get a good sleep without experiencing any kind of problems and inconvenience, such as absinthe, which is A plant with a bitter and stinging taste and can expel insects, in addition to the rue plant, which is a plant that can get rid of all kinds of insects, but it causes severe itching if it is touched with the bare hand.

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Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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