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How to clean iron rust

How to clean iron rust

How to clean iron rust

Rust is formed as a result of the interaction of oxygen and iron in the presence of moisture and greatly affects the shape of iron and shortens its life, we can overcome this problem by using some commercial rust removal products, but these products mostly contain some toxic substances or have a bad effect. Therefore, when using it, the cleaning process must be carried out in a well-ventilated place and wear protective things such as gloves, a mask, and goggles, or you can replace commercial products with some home-made preparations that are effective and effective in removing rust and improving the appearance and preservation of iron as long as possible.

How do we clean rust?

The first method.

You can clean iron rust using Cola or Pepsi, as they have a good effect to remove iron rust.

Pour the Coke on the rust-affected parts with a loofah or brush once, then pour and rub more aggressively again, and so on until the rust layer is completely removed from the iron and it regains its color, or you can dip a piece of cloth in the Coke and then rub the rusted parts until it recovers Cola is effective in this area because it contains citric acid. Here, aluminum paper moistened with cola can be used in the rubbing process and it will give good results.

The second method.

The magic product at home is baking soda or baking soda, and here a paste of baking soda is made using water, then spread the dough on the surface or rusted places and left it on it for some time so that you can make sure that the dough removes or softens the rust and then rubs to remove the paste, if not You get a satisfactory result. The process can be repeated until the iron regains its shape.



The third method.

Bring oxygen water and pour it or pour it on the parts or surfaces affected by rust and leave it for a few minutes, then bring a brush and rub the rust and you will get a good result, here you can mix oxygen water with some borax and take safety precautions when using oxygen water and borax where you are Wear gloves and a mask if possible and clean in a well-ventilated place.

Fourth method.

Acidic things have a good effect to remove rust, so you can use lemon or orange juice, as they contain citric acid, which works to remove rust, whether from metal surfaces or clothes. To remove iron rust, sprinkle salt on the rusted part, then pour the juice on it and leave it for a few hours To 3 hours, then using the peel of the orange or lemon, the rusted surface is rubbed and cleaned of the juice and salt.

Fifth method.

Get a potato and cut it in half. Bring a dish with soap, then dip the surface of the potato in the soap and put it on the rusted part for a few minutes, then rub it with the potato. Remove the layer you used from the potatoes, then repeat the steps again and so on until you get rid of the rust.

Sixth method.

Sandpaper can be used, but it must be used carefully so as not to injure the surface of the iron and affect its shape, or you can use a brush, a wired fiber, or steel wool, and some electrical machines can be used, especially with large surfaces to get rid of rust important when using any tool From the above, take into account not to scratch the surface of the iron.

Seventh method.

Bring sulfuric acid and dilute it with water so that the solution is 10:1, meaning that each part of the acid is equal to 10 parts of water, then wear the glove and start wiping the rusted surface and repeat the process more than once until the rust is removed.

Eighth method.

Using toothpaste and a brush, rub the rusty parts well to get rid of the rust layer, then remove the paste and make sure that it is completely removed on the surface of the iron, so you get a rust-free iron surface.

The ninth method.

Take a piece of onion and support the rusted surface until it is completely wet with the onion, then sprinkle a little sugar on the surface, then wash it with water and dry it well. This method is very suitable for the knife used in the kitchen.

The tenth method (commercial removers).

It usually comes in a sprayer, where it is sprayed on the rusty parts, and it reacts with the rust and works on a suit to dissolve in water. These materials mainly contain phosphoric acid or oxalic acid, but products that contain phosphoric, despite their good effect to remove rust, are toxic substances that must be dealt with Carefully and by following safety precautions (gloves, goggles, mask, well-ventilated place).

How do you keep iron from rusting?

1- Always make sure to dry the iron parts and store them in places away from moisture and water.

2- Putting protective covers on these surfaces to protect them from rust, such as using paints suitable for iron or grease, but before placing these covers, the surfaces must be sprayed with some anti-corrosion materials.

In general, the formation of rust on iron is something that will often happen, but the most important thing is not to leave rust spots for a long time, but rather remove them as soon as they are formed, which facilitates the process of removing them and maintaining the surface as long as possible in a good condition, always after cleaning the rust from the iron, dry it well Moisture is the strongest enemy of iron, which allows the reaction process to take place to form iron oxide or a layer of rust

About the Author

Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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