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Tips for doing home refrigerator maintenance

Step by step Tips for doing home refrigerator maintenance

Tips for doing home refrigerator maintenance

Tips for doing home refrigerator maintenance

“As the refrigerator is one of the household appliances that directly affects our health and the health of our family, we will shed light on some important tips that will maintain the refrigerator and increase its work efficiency and the correct ways to use it, in addition to some tips on how to preserve food in it.

Simple regular maintenance

Always check the magnetic rubber door frame: With the passage of time and frequent use, the strength of the magnet usually weakens and the rubber that covers it cracks, which works to leak cold air outside the refrigerator, so always check the strength of the adhesion of the magnetic rubber frame where it can be tested by closing the door on a piece of paper So that half of it is inside the refrigerator and the other half is outside it, and after making sure that the door is closed, pull the paper out. The ease of exiting the paper is evidence of the weakness of the magnetic frame and therefore the need to change it.

- The magnetic rubber tire and the place where it sticks to it should be cleaned periodically with warm water.

Paying attention to the back part (spiral condenser): which we usually do not look at from the beginning of putting the refrigerator in its place until the time comes to change it with a new refrigerator, but not paying attention to this part increases the accumulation of dust on the condenser and thus difficulty in removing the condenser from the heat, which It reduces cooling efficiency, so the helical condenser should be cleaned at least once a month.

– Some refrigerators work with a cooling plate inside the refrigerator, and others pump cold air inside, so it is taken into account not to place foods and canned goods next to the cooling plate directly or in front of the cold air pumping holes.

– The refrigerator is one of the places where liquids spill out and food crumbs fall out that are difficult to see and that spoil over time to form small colored spots of germs, for example, some drops from a bag of raw meat on foods will result in the growth of bacteria on these foods that can eat them without cooking them on the fire, such as vegetables, causing diseases, so cleaning the refrigerator periodically using warm water with a little diluted chlorine water will prevent the growth of germs inside the refrigerator.

Over time, unpleasant and unwanted odors accumulate inside the refrigerator, and to get rid of these odors, charcoal pieces, and a little baking soda can be placed in open containers and distributed inside the refrigerator.

Avoid some common mistakes!

Put the fridge next to the stove! This greatly reduces the cooling efficiency, in addition to the risks that may arise from placing the refrigerator next to a source of high heat.

Stacking the shelves of the refrigerator with foods and canned goods on top of each other makes it difficult for cold air to circulate inside the refrigerator, and therefore the difficulty of cooling food, which helps food spoil quickly.

Contrary to the above, it is not recommended to leave the refrigerator running when it is completely empty, as this increases the energy required to maintain the ideal temperature. The presence of some foods and canned goods contributes to the thermostat feeling cold for as long as possible, thus saving energy. If the refrigerator is emptied in preparation for cleaning or to receive new food and canned goods, some water bottles can be placed in separate places inside the refrigerator to help keep the coldness as long as possible.

Take into account leaving hot food to cool before placing it in the refrigerator. Placing hot food directly in the refrigerator without cooling help:

The temperature rises quickly inside the refrigerator, which allows the growth of germs and food spoilage.

Increases the effort required to reach the ideal cooling temperature again.

Putting food hot also causes droplets of water to accumulate on the lid or the walls of the pot, which then fall on the surface of the food, stimulating the growth of germs.

Finally: Opening the refrigerator door for a long time facilitates the rapid exit of cold air and thus excessive consumption of electricity. 

About the Author

Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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