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15 Amazing uses for cola

15 Amazing uses for cola

15 Amazing uses for cola


15 Amazing uses for cola

Don't drink cola! Use it to solve 15 problems

1. Cola removes greasy stains from clothes and fabrics

2. Remove rust

3. Remove blood stains from clothing and fabric.

4. Clean oil stains

5. Loosen locks stuck due to rust. Pour some cola on it and wait a while for the lock to open like a magician.

6. Make the grass look bright and shiny: Water it and you'll see.

7. Defrosting house and car windows.

8. Clean burnt pans: Pour the cola into the pan, let it sit for half an hour, then wash it.

9. Remove limescale from pots such as kettles and jugs: soak them with Coke and the scale will be removed.

10. Treating itching caused by a jellyfish sting: Pour the Coke on the sting and the sticky substance that causes the burning sensation will be gone.

11. Remove the chewing gum from the hair: Pour some cola on the strand to which the gum is stuck and leave it for a few minutes, then remove the gum and wash the hair.

12. To clean swimming pools and bathtubs: Pour Coke in them, soak for some time, and then clean.

13. Cola removes the unpleasant smell of laundry. Add it to the wash water.

14. Remove stains from carpets: Pour a little Coke and rub the stain, then clean it with soap and water.

15. Clean the toilet: To remove yellowing, rust and limescale, pour Coke into the toilet. Leave it for some time and then flush the toilet with clean water.

About the Author

Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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