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Types of door locks and how they work

Full report Types of door locks and how they work
Types of door locks and how they work

Types of door locks and how they work

There are many types of door locks and their method of operation and effectiveness varies. If you are going to choose a list of household items that you need for your new home, or want to replace and renovate your home lock, here are the most important types of door locks that increase your sense of security and tranquility in your home:

Smart locks

lock and smartphone

Smart locks are one of the latest types of locks and they work through smartphone applications

Smartphone door lock

Technology and various technologies contribute to facilitating our lives in many aspects, and today we can control many elements of our home from a distance! Relying on smart door locks includes a modern idea. The smart lock is a lock that can be controlled via the Internet or Bluetooth technology. It also allows you to have many services and advantages that no ordinary lock type provides, as you can create special codes to enter either permanent or temporary. For visitors or family members, this type of lock can also be opened using fingerprints, not to mention the availability of the alert feature if the door is open in some smart locks, making it one of the most prominent smart home technologies most prevalent in the future.

Multi-ton lock

The importance of the different types of door locks is centered on securing your home against theft, and the multi-tongue lock is one of the best types of iron door locks to achieve this. Exterior parking or for exterior patio doors.

Multi-ton lock

Electronic locks

Card operated electronic lock

Cards or secret numbers can be used to open electronic locks

Card operated electronic lock

Electronic locks are considered one of the most widely used home security technologies, due to their high levels of protection and security in homes, offices, and institutions, and they can be opened by special types of cards, access codes, or fingerprints.

yali lock

If you want to get one of the best types of locks for traditional doors, especially iron door locks that enjoy a high degree of security, you can install a Yali lock, as there are two types of it, each of which differs in the way it works, the first has a button for installation to open the lock, while the second type needs To two keys from the outside and inside, which increases the degree of protection in the house.

Click lock

Traditional lock key

The click lock is one of the most widely used types of locks around the world

This type of lock is one of the classic wood door locks that are frequently used by people. It is characterized by the difficulty of breaking it and ease of use. Several copies of the keys of this lock can be made for all members of the house, not to mention the low cost of its installation compared to other types, which makes it one of the most prominent types of locks. Doors that can be installed in wooden doors.

Handle lock

This type of door lock is unique in its external design, as many people are interested in the external appearance of all the elements of the house in proportion to their own taste and the general interior design of the house, so many forms of this type of locks are available in various shops selling door locks and accessories, where they are installed Especially on interior doors at home or for front door decoration.

About the Author

Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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