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Wood shelves design ideas

wood shelves design ideas


wood shelves design ideas

Wood shelves design ideas

Wooden shelves vary according to the purpose of their use, as each use has a different design from the other. Here are a set of ideas that show the use of wooden shelves for each part of the house:

Wooden shelves designed for the wall

Wooden Shelves & Antiques

wood shelves design ideas

Enjoy a distinguished house of wooden wall shelves, where you can put whatever decorations and antiques you want on them

Many people resort to the use of wood in the shelves in abundance in the walls, whether in the house or the workplace because it gives it a modern feel to the wall. You can use several ideas for designing distinctive wood shelves, the most prominent of which are:

You can use wooden wall shelves when installing the mirror on the wall to put the necessary needs on the wooden shelf, as you can adopt geometric wooden shelves such as triangles or circles, or even use zigzag lines when designing wooden shelves for walls

wood shelves design ideas

You can use wooden shelves with prominent legs in the form of a square in the wall to put beautiful pictures on them

Inserting wooden shelves into the wall as barriers used when dividing the house without building walls

About the Author

Hello, my name is Khalid from Morocco, aged 35 years, I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, …

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