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Falling asleep quickly in less than a minute, this is how you train your brain for it

Learn step by step how Falling asleep quickly in less than a minute, this is how you train your brain for it.

Falling asleep quickly in less than a minute, this is how you train your brain for it

Falling asleep quickly in less than a minute is how you train your brain for it

Falling asleep quickly in less than a minute is difficult these days for everyone. It is not surprising that many of us are having trouble sleeping due to the fast-paced world we live in today. Some scholars and doctors have called lack of sleep an epidemic on public health due to the huge number of citizens who cannot sleep at present; According to the Gallup report, about 41% of Americans do not get the recommended number of hours of sleep, which is 7-8 hours per day. There is no doubt that there are many benefits of sleep that we deprive ourselves of when we do not sleep regularly daily.

As you know, our cells are renewed during sleep, which gives us the ability to continue working the next day, but insufficient sleep may lead to psychological and physical problems.

In a study conducted at the University of Syria in the United Kingdom, it was found that one week of insufficient sleep may lead to massive changes in about 70 genes in the human body.

Falling asleep quickly in less than a minute, this is how you train your brain for it (2)

Lack of sleep may lead to sleep disorders and chronic health problems such as high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, heart disease, cancer, and others. Research has shown that affected genes control inflammation, immunity, and our stress response.

Now, what can we do about this sleep problem? Whether you suffer from heavy sleep or light sleep, you can get rid of the problem of not sleeping directly when you go to bed. Well, first of all, it will help to learn how to fall asleep again, which is something that came to us naturally when we were children, but as a result of the pressures of life and all the problems we face as we reach puberty, many of us have forgotten how to fall asleep in such a short time that our minds keep us awake at night.

Falling asleep quickly in less than a minute, this is how you train your brain for it (2)

Sleep in a minute or less:

Dr. Andrew Weil presented a simple method of breathing that helps us relax. He follows the 4-7-8 method of breathing as a natural remedy for sleepless nights. We will explain this method to you in detail below:

First of all, make sure that you are in the correct sleeping position that allows you to take a deep breath (sit up straight and relax your arms). More about the different sleeping positions of your body

Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your front teeth and maintain this position throughout the exercise, even when exhaling.

Exhale the air completely.

Breathe through your nose through four repetitions.

Hold your breath for 7 repetitions.

Exhale through your mouth for 8 repetitions.

Do this process 3 times.

This exercise may take you several nights to succeed, but you have to continue.

But why does this technique work so well? Well, there are three main reasons; First, it allows you to breathe slowly, which automatically makes you feel comfortable; Secondly, you will get more oxygen flowing into your body as a result of breathing deeply; Third, focusing on breathing will make you the center of the mind, which scientists have proven to reduce stress, anxiety and racing thoughts.

You may have forgotten how to go to sleep because you forgot how to breathe and practicing these breathing exercises, will help you fall asleep faster.

Falling asleep quickly in less than a minute, this is how you train your brain for it (2)

There are many things you can do to induce sleep, including:

Do not do any work in bed, as you need to associate the bed with sleep and rest only.

Keep the house comfortable. Studies have shown that sleep is better if the house temperature is cool.

Write down the thoughts that you may have before bed. This way, you will remove all tension and frustration before bed so that you do not lie awake thinking about everything that worries you.

Falling asleep quickly in less than a minute, this is how you train your brain for it (2)

You have to beware of the lack of sleep and the risk to your body.

remove anything that may distract you; Turn off your mobile phone, TV, and any devices until you are ready to sleep, and stay away from anything that may keep your mind active.

Try to keep the house quiet, but if soft music helps you sleep, play it before bed.

Maintain a daily routine. Our bodies require a sleep-wake cycle to function properly. Go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every morning.

To sleep every day in less than a minute when you go to bed, you must get your body used to take an adequate number of hours of sleep each day.

See also here the treatment of the problem of interrupted sleep at night

Remember that sleep is very vital to living your life in a better way; You will feel energetic and happy once you keep getting enough sleep.

About the Author

Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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