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Vegetables that grow like magic in your home garden

Lean in detail Vegetables that grow like magic in your home garden


Vegetables that grow like magic in your home garden

Vegetables that grow like magic in your home garden

The different types of vegetables are usually obtained from local markets, while there are those who prefer to obtain them by growing them in the home garden to ensure their quality and eat them as fresh foods and to ensure their health, and in the following, we will talk about vegetables that grow like magic in your garden:

Vegetables that grow like magic in your home garden

  • Spinach: Spinach is one of the fast-growing plants that can be grown in the home garden, where it can be harvested 20 to 30 days after planting.

  • Radishes: Radishes can be harvested three weeks after sowing, as radishes are fast and easy to grow.

Vegetables that grow like magic in your home garden

  • Carrots: Many different types of carrots can be grown in different colors. In addition to the well-known orange color, there are different colors of carrots such as red, white, yellow, and purple. Carrots come in a variety of shapes, and they are usually ready for harvest 60 to 80 days after planting.

  • Green Beans: Green beans are one of the plants that must be grown in the home garden, as they are an easy and fast-growing vegetable. Beans come in many different shapes and sizes, and the beans can be harvested 45 to 55 days after planting.

  • Watercress: Watercress has a wonderful taste, and this plant can be harvested by picking the leaves or pulling the entire plant from its roots, and harvesting can be started four weeks after planting.

Vegetables that grow like magic in your home garden

Benefits of planting in the home garden

After talking about vegetables that grow like magic in the garden of your home, we will talk about the benefits of planting in the garden of the house, in addition to the fact that fresh food can be obtained, there are many advantages that can be provided when planting the garden of the house, and the following will talk about the benefits of farming in the garden of the house:

Vegetables that grow like magic in your home garden

  1. Control of crops grown in the garden.
  2. Get fresh vegetables at the right time and pick them personally.
  3. Decorate the garden with beautiful and different natural colors and plants, and a beautiful aroma can be obtained when planting the garden.
  4. Save money on vegetables when you buy them at the grocery store.
  5. Provide group activities for the whole family by planting the garden.
  6. Improving health, as being in the sun in the garden of the house can improve sleep and increase the positive energy in addition to obtaining healthy foods directly.

About the Author

Hello, my name is Khalid I am a blogger, developer, and the creator of zoom4display and zoom4diet blogs, as you can see I am very interested and passionate to repair and find new ideas to easier our daily life at home, backyard, at work and tech i…

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